Photograph copyright Earth Boring Company Limited

Frequently Asked Questions

A good foundation to build your knowledge of trenchless methods is a great start to your project. Earth Boring has compiled FAQs to help you build that understanding. We always welcome your questions, please feel free to contact us!

Microtunneling FAQ

In microtunneling hydraulic jacks are used to push pipes through the ground behind a tunnel shield at the same time as excavation is taking place within the shield. The method provides a flexible, structural, watertight, finished pipeline as the tunnel is excavated.

Auger Boring FAQ

Auger Boring or jack and bore is perhaps that most recognizable and most common trenchless application. It is generally well understood, and when good design and responsible contracting combine, the success rate is very high.

Directional Drilling FAQ

Directional Drilling, is a 'relatively new' trenchless application. Adapted from the vertical well of the oil and gas industry, Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) has been a popular installation method for over twenty years. A great low impact method, with an industry of manufacturers constantly evolving their product. HDD is becoming synonymous with trenchless design.

Pipe Ramming FAQ

Pipe ramming is quickly becoming the installation method of choice for the toughest Type 3, Type 4 and cobble filled soils. Pipe ramming is a method for installing steel casings utilizing the energy from a percussion hammer attached to the end of the pipe.

Tunneling FAQ

Tunneling is the oldest and undoubtedly the most recognizable from of trenchless technology. Whether by manual hand mining means or large scale mechanized operations, tunneling can be an effective solution for your project.