At Earth Boring, health and safety is not something we just talk about, it is engrained in our culture and lived every minute of every day.
Earth Boring is a COR Certified company, which is one of the highest safety standards in Ontario. To maintain COR certification, Earth Boring passes annual health and safety audits which requires every employee and contractor to have an active role in meeting Regulatory requirements, and complying with the Earth Boring Health and Safety Program.

In early 2020, Earth Boring successfully achieved the COR™ National Standard for implementing an externally audited health and safety management system. The Certificate of Recognition (COR™) is a national accreditation standard that verifies full implementation of an employer’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System. COR™ is often used as a condition of contract by the public and private sector across Canada.
Our success in achieving this result is founded in our employees hard work, determination and effort over the past several years. EBCL is committed to the safety and well being of our staff and this recognition underscores that commitment.
We could not be more proud of this accomplishment!
Our commitment to health and safety is rewarded by our performance over the past five (5) years. Earth Boring is consistently below the industry average for recordable incidents and lost-time incidents. This means are workers go home in the same or better condition then when they arrived to work.
At Earth Boring, health and safety is not something we just talk about, it is engrained in our Mission, Vision, Values and lived every minute of every day.
Earth Boring Co. Limited’s Commitment to a Safe & Healthy Work Environment
The management of Earth Boring Co. Limited (EBCL) is committed to constant diligence in providing, maintaining and promoting a safe and healthy workplace for our employees to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses and comply with OHS legal and other applicable Regulatory requirements.
EBCL Senior Management will set and review OHS objectives and will continually strive for improvement to the Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) and OHS performance. All workers, supervisors and managers have a right to a safe and healthy work environment. In order to achieve and maintain such an environment, the supervisors and workers of EBCL must also be committed to reducing the risk of injury in the workplace.
EBCL has outlined the following standard Health and Safety Goals:
- Reduce Recordable Incident Rate by 10%.
- Maintain 0.0 Lost-Time Frequency rate.
- Reduce Incident costs by 50%
- Maintain COR Accreditation
The EBCL HSMS addresses HS roles and responsibilities for each workplace party including but not limited to:
Supervisors are required to comply with all statutory requirements concerning the health and safety of workers, as well as all safe work practices and procedures established by EBCL outlined in our health and safety program, training and safety meetings and will be held accountable when they fail to do so. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that workers work in a safe manner with protective devices as may be required; that workers use or wear equipment, protective devices or clothing as required; and that workers receive adequate training in their specific work task to protect their health and safety. Supervisors must also take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of the worker. Supervisors are expected to avoid behaviours that may lead the threat of violence and refrain from engaging in harassment.
Workers are also required to comply with all statutory requirements concerning the health and safety of workers in the workplace, as well as safe work practices and procedures established by EBCL outlined in our health and safety program, training and safety meetings and will be held accountable when they fail to do so. Workers are required to use or wear equipment, protective devices or clothing as required, report any defects in any equipment which renders it unsafe, and to work in a safe manner in compliance with all statutory requirements. Workers are expected to avoid behaviours that may lead the threat of violence and refrain from engaging in harassment.
EBCL encourages participation, co-operation and consultation of all employees within our health and safety program. Workers, supervisors and management play an integrated role in promoting, applying and following best safety practice principles in our industry. It is in the best interest of all parties to consider health and safety in every activity. Commitment to health and safety must form an integral part of this organization from the President to the workers.
Earth Boring is committed to maintaining a sustainable and vibrant environment. All projects are assessed and planned with the environment at the forefront.
The importance of responsible contracting extends beyond smart design and effective project implementation. Earth Boring takes the potential impact of construction on the Environment very seriously. We are all stewards of the environment and strive to manage our work accordingly. We must all do our part to respect and protect the environment, if we don’t who will?
The management of Earth Boring Co. Limited is committed to maintaining a sustainable and vibrant environment. We understand that a measure of success is based on the impact on all communities, the public, nature or otherwise. We plan our work to conform to relevant federal, provincial and municipal legislation. We will endeavor to ensure pollution prevention and environmental best practices are part of all Earth Boring efforts.
Earth Boring and its employees shall:
- Identify, assess and responsibly manage its environmental health & safety risks through comprehensive risk management plan;
- Integrate the consideration of environmental concerns and impacts in all of our decision making and activities;
- Promote environmental awareness among our employees and sub-contractors, encouraging them to work in an environmentally responsible manner;
- Train, educate and inform our employees and sub-contractors about environmental issues that may effect their work;
- Where required by legislation or significant health, safety or environmental hazards exist, develop and maintain appropriate emergency and spill response programs;
- Strive to continually improve its environmental performance by periodically reviewing its environmental policy in light of current and planned work;
- Avoid the wastage of materials, water and energy by paying careful attention to their use;
- Always seek to use wherever possible, materials from renewable sources and recycled or recyclable materials;
- Apply continual improvement by reviewing the environmental aspects of our activities and then by setting appropriate targets and objectives for improving performance;
- Ensure compliance with all applicable legal and other requirements which relate to environmental aspects.